The break up of a marriage is not traditionally reason to celebrate.
But the official declaration of a marital split could now mean getting back in touch with the caterers - for the ceremonial cutting of a divorce cake.
Designed as the centre piece for 'divorce parties', the cakes are apparently being ordered by newly single men and women and their friends to celebrate new beginnings.

Sweet revenge: Baker Fay Millar has been doing a roaring trade in divorce celebration cakes
Made to mirror the style of a more traditional wedding cake, some of the bespoke creations come decorated with comic warring figurine couples made out of icing.
One depicts a wife desperately clinging on to a tier while her husband kicks it away. A caption penned in icing reads 'free at last'.
Another design shows a bride on top of a three tier cake pushing the man off while another shows a wife plunging a knife into the back of her husband with a pool of red icing blood at his feet.
Yesterday the woman behind the cakes, which are priced from £60 to £800, said they are designed to encourage a positive attitude to a failed marriage.

The icing on the cake: Ms Millar's quirky designs are based on traditional wedding cakes

Till death do us party: An edible groom figurine kicks his bride off the cake
Explaining her mission to replace tears with tiers, Fay Millar, a mother-of-two from Brighton, said: 'I started to offer divorce cakes after receiving some enquiries about them and thought it would be fun to do break-up cakes rather than wedding ones.
'Some people might consider it crass and insensitive while others may view it as a fitting end to a period in their lives - as well as a chance to have a good party.'
She continued: 'I like to introduce humour to the cakes rather than have something too sober or vindictive so I use lots of figurines interacting with each other - pushing each other around or kicking them off the cake.
'Divorce can be a horrible thing but I would like to think comical divorce cakes can help lighten the mood a little.'

All's fair in love and divorce: The humorous confections feature edible warring figurines

The 31-year-old owner of Pink Rose Cakes, who lives with her partner Lawrence and their daughters Phoebe, three, and eight-month-old Maisie, added that divorce parties are catching on in the UK after gaining popularity in the USA.
Glamour model Katie Price recently held such an occasion after her marriage to Pete Andre ended earlier this year.
Miss Millar added: 'I think it used to be taboo to have such a thing as a divorce cake because it is not traditionally viewed as an event to celebrate.
'However, with people like Katie Price throwing divorce parties I think people are definitely coming round to the idea of celebrating the end of a relationship and shouting to the world they are back on the market.'