A Japanese Ninja Restaurant in Tribeca, New York, is impressing diners with kung fu fire tricks, dangling sword-carrying waiters and even exploding food.
Signature dishes on the menu include chopped conch in garlic-butter sauce which explodes in flames after its fuse is lit.
There's also the 'meteorite pot' - a clam and soy soup which is cooked over 800C rocks at your tabl

Dinner with a difference: The menu on offer in the New York restaurant is served by a range of skilled Japanese ninjas
As these hilarious pictures show the eatery is certainly not for the faint hearted especially when you're being served by a man carrying a three-foot long sword.
Photographer Jay Fine said the restaurant was a big hit with New Yorker's who enjoy a meal out with a difference.
He said: 'When you go in to the place you enter an elevator in the dark and you have these two guys in ninja outfits next to you, then they suddenly start shouting 'Hiya!', it's not for the faint hearted.'

'When I was taking the photos this one lady was really surprised when a ninja hanging off the ceiling suddenly showed his sword, it was hilarious.'
'Actually you get all sorts going for food, from couples to whole families and it is a really different place to eat, there's nowhere else like it in New York and we have plenty of unusual places.'
The ninja was a covert agent or mercenary of feudal Japan.
They figure prominently in folklore and legend, and some legendary abilities purported to be in the province of ninja training include invisibility, walking on water, and control over the natural elements.
Signature dishes on the menu include chopped conch in garlic-butter sauce which explodes in flames after its fuse is lit.
There's also the 'meteorite pot' - a clam and soy soup which is cooked over 800C rocks at your tabl

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Restaurants and Pubs in New York City, New York
Dinner with a difference: The menu on offer in the New York restaurant is served by a range of skilled Japanese ninjas
As these hilarious pictures show the eatery is certainly not for the faint hearted especially when you're being served by a man carrying a three-foot long sword.
Photographer Jay Fine said the restaurant was a big hit with New Yorker's who enjoy a meal out with a difference.
He said: 'When you go in to the place you enter an elevator in the dark and you have these two guys in ninja outfits next to you, then they suddenly start shouting 'Hiya!', it's not for the faint hearted.'

New York Restaurant

Dinner with a difference: The menu on offer in the New York restaurant is served by a range of skilled Japanese ninjas
'When I was taking the photos this one lady was really surprised when a ninja hanging off the ceiling suddenly showed his sword, it was hilarious.'
'Actually you get all sorts going for food, from couples to whole families and it is a really different place to eat, there's nowhere else like it in New York and we have plenty of unusual places.'
The ninja was a covert agent or mercenary of feudal Japan.
They figure prominently in folklore and legend, and some legendary abilities purported to be in the province of ninja training include invisibility, walking on water, and control over the natural elements.