Tuesday, August 20, 2019

How To Stop Smoking | Quit Cigarettes | Best Way Stop Effects

How To Stop Smoking Ultimate quit-smoking system successful Tips to create simplest(Easy) & safest way to stop smoking forever and enjoy the wonderful natural freedom of becoming A non-smoker at long last

Are you a smoker?? if you're a smoker so you have to read this story. A man who is an active smoker for a long time, and he had a mouth cancer because of that so pity take a look of the Effects pictures below. i hope this story and this case might be a hard warning for every smoker in the world. stop your smoking habit before you got a mouth cancer like this guy..

Really disgusting huh?? so if you wanna stay healthy without that. stop your smoking habit right now.. remember smoking has many negative effect fpr your body.

In a growing number of countries, there are more ex-smokers than smokers. (In the U.S. as of 2010, 47 million ex-smokers and 46 million smokers.)

The immediate effects of smoking cessation include:

* Within 20 minutes, blood pressure decreases, pulse returns to its normal level
* After 8 hours, carbon monoxide levels in the blood return to normal, oxygen level increases
* After 24 hours, chance of heart attack starts to decrease; breath, hair and body stop smelling like smoke
* After 48 hours, damaged nerve endings begin to recover; sense of taste and smell improve
* After 72 hours, the body is virtually free of nicotine; bronchial tubes relax, breathing becomes easier
* After 2–12 weeks, lungs can hold more air, exercise becomes easier and circulation improves

Longer-term effects include:

* After 1 year, the risk of coronary heart disease is cut in half
* After 5 years, the risk of stroke falls to the same as a non-smoker
* After 10 years, the risk of lung cancer is cut in half and the risk of other cancers decreases significantly
* After 15 years, the risk of coronary heart disease drops, usually to the level of a non-smoker


  1. Wow .. Wow

    Cool Pict ... Lol

    I am a smoker. after reading this article, I tried hard to get out of this health problem.

    thank you for your article about smoking is not healthy.

  2. Anonymous9:46 AM

    It seems like it's not due to smoking but due to chewing tobacco. The person looks like an Indian and in India, chewing tobacco is very common.

  3. Anonymous6:04 PM

    pretty disgusting pictures, what are those white mussel like things in his mouth? is that his fat?
    anyways, im a smoker and i was shocked after seeing these pictures so i calmed myself down with a cigarette

  4. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Ok I am 26...I left smoking completely .... it has been 3 months... and my face has more freshness than before.... stamina is increased... breathing is normal... i can run again like young kids... feels much lighter...
